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Monday, May 18, 2020

Research Paper on International Management

Research Paper on International Management Many centuries ago people administered affairs only in the neighbouring areas and could hardly consider crossing the borders. Today multinational corporations constitute an essential part of all the organizations’ types. In our rapidly changing world they gain more and more power, which brings up a question: who can manage such a multinational company? First of all, it is necessary to admit that an international manager is a specialist in doing business in foreign countries and managing multinational stuff. He certainly has broader spectrum of functions and responsibilities, than an ordinary manager. When appointing an international manager we should thoroughly examine the nominee’s knowledge, expertise and skills, as he will represent the company abroad. Specific character of his work is closely related to the necessity of dealing with representatives of different cultures, while performing his duties. The main characteristics international manager has to possess are as following: Ability to work in an international group; Entrepreneurial spirit; Responsibility and initiative; Adaptability to new situation; Strong inter-personal skills and ability to persuade people; Innovative approaches to problem solving, etc. He should stick to the business etiquette of the particular country, as otherwise his activities wouldn’t be successful. He just won’t be able to set long-lasting cooperation with foreign partners. An international manager should also know how to conduct negotiations with representatives of the particular country. He certainly has to explore the laws, economic and political circumstances in a country when making solutions or developing strategies for his company. To sum up, being an international manager is a sophisticated art, because it involves not only integrated knowledge of foreign environment, but also creativity and a lot of responsibility.

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